I joined a k8s challenge event organized by DigitalOcean in December 2021 that I couldn’t quite recall how I came across its ads 😅Anyways, I picked one of the suggested topics:

Deploy a virtual cluster solution

Install vcluster to test upgrades (eg. 1.20 to 1.21 DOKS version) of your cluster. With a virtual cluster, you can create a new Kubernetes cluster inside your existing DOKS cluster, test the application in this new vcluster, and then upgrade your original cluster if everything works well with the new version.

I only have experience allocating namespaces per team/bounded context in my past and current day jobs. Although sharing cluster-wide resources like ingress controller is never a concern to us (yet, maybe?), it sounds interesting that I could see how things go virtualized on top of a well-known platform built for virtualization 😂 So I gave vcluster a shot.

I peeked at a bit other participants’ work to gain some insight about how they illustrated their installation steps and learnings. Some used Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform but I know nothing about it at all. That goes to the dummiest approach - words and GIFs 😅: https://github.com/alank976/doks-vcluster-challenge. Click into it if you are interested in what I had done 😉

It was a great experience and I am grateful that DigitalOcean offered those topics and also CNCF and their cloud platform credits 💰. It is not much but I contributed nothing, learnt something, and took something away 😏.

What do you guys think about this spinner toy? Should I spend my credit on this little thing? I suspect the delivery fee might go beyond the credit I earned 😂. https://store.cncf.io/products/the-kubernetes-metal-helm-fidget-spinner?_pos=6&_sid=7cc9dc1af&_ss=r